A horrible truth about Rural Women

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It is a truth that rural women are considered as a sex object by their men. It is absolutely wrong on the men part but the women themselves are also responsible for this situation.

There are several international organizations that are serving to educate all rural women about their legal rights and their status in the society. But there are hardly any women, who show interest to improvise their condition.

They treat their husbands as God no matter what wrong they do with them.

Actually, the tradition passes on. Parents, neighbors, etc everyone thinks this is okay. There is nothing wrong with men, they do what the people and even women expect them, what they see around them. Many elder ladies in the household brainwash women to do what is "right" according to them.

So, women are also responsible for their conditions as men alone can not  restrict millions of women with their own minds.


It may sound vulgar but it is the truth that due to lack of entertainment options for the poor rural men, sex is the only way out. Women are tortured ignoring their sexual desire and seen as a tool to satisfying men. This is the scenario in the whole of rural India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.. Men marry to get the dowry money and an entertainment back home when they return from their work.

Rural Women are not getting any chance by their hypocrite husbands in their lives to grow in an individual.. Still their work is to please men and not to please themselves sexually.

The rural women are inexperienced about their own  sexual satisfaction. They are  also ignorance of female  orgasm and ejaculation.

Hence, a lot of marriages are breaking off now a days for sexually dissatisfaction, forced intercourse and marital rape by their male partners..

Literacy as well as sex education is very important for both rural men & women of  these developing countries to learn how to proceed to sexual activities, starting from foreplay to ending in achieving orgasm and ejaculation, which leads both of the partners to have  sexual pleasure and subsequent peace in the family.


What is Sexual Pleasure of the Women ?

Ejaculation during orgasm is the most intense peak of sexual pleasure.

It happens at the end of the sexual activities. It is when the sexual and muscular tension built up during the intercourse is released in a rapid series of intensely pleasing muscular spasms. The body also releases endorphins during orgasm that produce good feelings.

Women experience orgasm in different ways. And orgasms can feel different for an individual woman at different times. Some may have full-body orgasms, which involve more than their sex organs.

Some may have multiple orgasms.  Some can reach orgasm using only fantasy for stimulation.

It is important for women to understand what feels good to them. Women may prefer stimulation of the clitoris, the vagina, the G spot, or may like for all of them to be stimulated.

Ideally, women can ask their partners for the kind of stimulation they find most satisfying.This may be more rewarding than trying to have an orgasm the way they think other women do.

Yes. Sexual pleasure can be important to our emotional and physical health and well-being.
A healthy sex life — with or without a partner — has been associated with
  • better reproductive and sexual health
  • better general health
  • better sleep
  • reduced stress and tension
  • increased self-esteem
  • a more youthful appearance
  • better fitness
  • a longer life
It is unfortunate that many of us have grown up hearing only about the risks and dangers of expressing ourselves sexually. While those risks are real, it is also true that having sex play — with or without a partner — can be a positive and powerful force in our lives. It helps us create connections to other people and it helps us enjoy our world.

Understanding Female Ejaculation and Orgasm


Female ejaculation is the expulsion of fluid by human females from the para-urethral ducts through and around the urethra during or before an orgasm. It is also known colloquially as gushing or squirting, although these are considered to be different phenomena in some research publications.

Orgasm (sexual climax) is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual tension during the sexual response cycle, resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region characterized by an intense sensation of pleasure. Experienced by females as well as men, orgasms are controlled by the involuntary or autonomic nervous system. They are often associated with other involuntary actions, including muscular spasms in multiple areas of the body, a general euphoric sensation and, frequently, body movements and vocalizations are expressed. The period after orgasm (known as a refractory period) is often a relaxing experience, attributed to the release of the neurohormones oxytocin and prolactin, as well as endorphins. 

Female orgasms usually result from the stimulation of the  clitoris located upper side of vagina. Sexual stimulation can be by self-practice (masturbation) or by or with a sex partner (penetrative sexual intercourse, non-penetrative sex, and other erotic sexual activity).

More: Sexual response & Orgasm

Faces of Rural Women in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

Woman in Dabra

Rural Women In India
Do you think that Indian rural women are meant only for sex? We have seen in the rural areas that husband go on work and women who are traditional housewives remains for work at home and when husband arrives they have to do sex with their husbands no matter they want or not.

Rural Women in Pakistan

Indeed, women are considered as the real backbone of any nation, any country and our Constitution provides for the equality of women; however, these provisions often are not applied in practice.

It is disconcerting to think of the vast majority of Pakistani women, in particular, rural women in Sindh and Balochistan provinces, who suffer in absolute misery and wretchedness becoming a backbone to anyone. In rural Pakistani society women are little valued and appreciated. Their backbones, spirit and will are shattered by official neglect and indifference and the daily reality of domestic violence, illiteracy, sexual exploitation, underage marriages, lack of education and grinding poverty.

The incumbent rulers are requested to show their practical commitment towards the elevation of rural women in Pakistani society, who have always given them their support freely and democratically, for democratic and equality based Pakistan.

The rulers must get the votes of women of remote parts of Sindh registered and launch women  friendly projects so as to improve their socioeconomic conditions in today's Pakistan.

Rural Women in Bangladesh

Women in Bangladesh have been subjected to exploitation and negligence for decades. In a society, which is basically male dominated, women, have always been kept oppressed by religious fanaticism, superstition, oppression and various discrimination. Their merit and labor have only been recognized in domestic lore. Though lately, Bangladesh has realized that ‘empowerment of women’ is a necessary condition for economic development to keep pace with the world. In the international arena Bangladesh ratified the Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women, (CEDAW) in 1984.

Women's economic empowerment offers a win-win scenario

Not only does gender equality lead to higher economic growth, it is key to ensuring a fairer world for both men and women
women repay microloans in Bangladesh
Women in Bangladesh, which performed better in the 2011 Gender Gap Report than much richer countries. Photograph: Karen Kasmauski/Getty Images/Science Faction

Does gender equality contribute to economic growth? If yes, it might galvanize our growth-obsessed policymakers to take a more serious interest in gender equality. And does economic growth contribute to gender equality? If so, perhaps many hitherto sceptically feminists may take more interest in growth. We would have a win-win situation. But what if the answer to one of these questions is no?

Marital rape

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Marital rape, also known as spousal rape, is non-consensual sex in which the perpetrator is the victim's spouse. As such, it is a form of partner rape, of domestic violence, and of sexual abuse. Once widely condoned or ignored by law, spousal rape is now repudiated by international conventions and increasingly criminalized. Still, in many countries, spousal rape either remains legal, or is illegal but widely tolerated and accepted as a spouses' prerogative.

In 2006, it was estimated that marital rape could be prosecuted in at least 104 countries (in four of these countries, marital rape could be prosecuted only when the spouses were judicially separated), and since 2006 several other countries have outlawed spousal rape. In many countries it is not clear if marital rape may or may not be prosecuted under ordinary rape laws. Several countries in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia made spousal rape illegal before 1970, but other countries in Western Europe and the English-speaking Western World outlawed it much later, mostly in the 1980s and 1990s. Most developing countries outlawed it in the 1990s and 2000s.

Research literature, particularly in the areas of incidence and effects, may extend the use of the term spousal/marital rape to include divorced/legally separated ex-spouses or unmarried cohabiting partners. Current state laws, however, often treat rape by ex-spouses or intimate partners as different than marital rape, and therefore, legally equivalent to rape by a stranger.